Sunday 6 September 2009

Ramadan 2009 & Malaysia's 52nd Merdeka Celebration.

This time around our Independence Day Celebration, which happened to be our 52nd was celebrated on a slightly low key. On August 31st, we were more than a week into the holy month of Ramadan. There was a ceremony at the Parliament House where our leaders and leaders from the various strata of the society attended and apart from that, there was nothing much of entertainment programmes appeared on our TVs too. The H1N1 virus going around also does help the situation.Nonetheless the hypes and Merdeka Wishes were there in the media supplied by many of our corporate sponsors. Few flags were seen atop trucks, buses and cars compared to a few years ago. Without all those frills, I suppose the love and patriotic sense of Malaysians are still intact. The only wish of all Malaysians is for the country to move forward .....(sigh )....But turning on to the holy month of Ramadan, please go to

for images caught across the world captured in the 1st week of Ramadan 2009. Its amazing !